Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Don't Get Lost

I am one of those people who tends to purchase for my family before I purchase for myself, but I have made a deal with myself this year: all rebates/free money should be used on me.

This might seem selfish but what it means is, after I spend all the time entering my pampers points, I will be the one using the Starbucks gift card and when I get the Kohl's $10 off card in the mail, I will look to see if there is anything that I want or need (before buying my children socks and underwear). All my SC Johnson rebates, 7th Generation rebates, etc. go into an envelope and if I want to go get my nails done or grab an overpriced coffee with a girlfriend, I raid "my" envelope.

All my savings and smart shopping benefit my whole family and if they need something, I'll certainly prioritize it, but I'm trying to make sure I don't get lost in taking care of everyone else and this is my small way of taking care of myself without feeling like I am taking away from my family. 

Think about it.

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